Ecommerce Support Resale
Selling objects online in different platforms like Vinted and Olx trying to convert 30% of the value to therapy and 30% of the value to the patient with cashback.
Venda de objectos em plataformas digitais como Vinted e Olx tentando converter 30% do valor para a terapia e 30% do valor para o doente no reembolso.
Attractive reminders for starting tasks and partners rewards. Know people with the same pre-diagnosis.
Lembretes attractivos para o início de tarefas e recompensas com parceiros. Conhece pessoas com o mesmo pre-diagnostico.
Progressive Habit Modification
Voice assistant with artificial intelligence and mascot with gamification of daily habits.
Assistente de voz com inteligencia artificial e mascote com gamificacao de habitos diarios.
Transform your life with our social network - App inclusion for Hoarders
Tips and evidence-based strategies to overcome OCD and behavioral challenges. The first online community in Portugal just for hoarders. New friends with the same mental needs.
Help the Planet
Resist the temptation to simply throw everything away...
Determine the fair market value of any items of value that you locate. The personal representative can use the valuation to divide it properly. Transform your living space with professional guidance. Determine o justo valor de mercado de quaisquer artigos de valor que localize. O representante pessoal pode utilizar a avaliação para a dividir adequadamente. Transforme o seu espaço residencial com orientação profissional.
Tell us about one hoarder who needs help anonymously. Denuncia anonima com fim de apoio mental e pre-diagnostico de Hoarders.
Pre-Diagnosis of Hoarders
Identification of the disease patterns and the difference between hoarding, shopaholic and collector.
Identificação de padrões de doenças e a diferença entre shopaholic, hoarder e colecionador.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workshops
Structured therapy sessions to identify and change negative thought patterns and obsessive behaviors.
Sessões de terapia estruturadas para identificar e alterar padrões de pensamento negativos e comportamentos obsessivos.
Family Sessions and Support
Counseling sessions aimed at supporting families in understanding and managing OCD dynamics. Distress reduction.
Sessões de aconselhamento destinadas a apoiar as famílias na compreensão e gestão da dinâmica da OCD.
Resale Partners
Inventory of any objects, clothes, shoes or valuables at the location. Cashback.
Inventário de quaisquer objetos, roupas, sapatos ou valores existentes no local. Reembolso de valores.
Resale Partners
Inventory of any objects, clothes, shoes or valuables at the location. Cashback.
Inventário de quaisquer objetos, roupas, sapatos ou valores existentes no local. Reembolso de valores.
Resale Partners
Gold inventory located on the property. Cashback.
Inventário de ouro localizado no imovel. Reembolso de valores.
Introducing Our Team - A nossa equipa
Meet our Lisbon team, transforming life's with better mental care and support. Compassion and social inclusion is the key to success. Conheça a nossa equipa de Lisboa, a transformar vidas com melhores cuidados e apoio mental. A compaixão e a inclusão social são a chave para o sucesso.
Carlos Eduardo, Ecommerce Intern
Ines Henriques, Ux research and Cyberpsychology
Manuela Henriques, Hoarder, Tester